1021 Washington Blvd. Bangor, PA 18013 | 610-588-1524
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township
Washington Township

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Township Newsletter
For more information from our Township Newsletter, please click HERE
Township Survey
We want to Hear from You! Complete our survey HERE
You can send Surveys back to us by: Mail or dropped off at the Municipal Building 1021 Washington Blvd. Bangor, Pa. Faxed:610-588-0245 emailed to: bookkeeper@washington-township.com

Washington Township News

Due to weather forecasted, we will be opening at 10am on Thursday, February 6.
Click the link for the new garbage schedule. They will be going out with the property tax bills. HERE

Ann Flood is hosting a "Concealed Carry Seminar" on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at Stockertown Rod & Gun Club. RSVP is required. Please click on the link for details. HERE

The Township appointed Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc. as the SEO/Engineer at the January 2, 2025 meeting.
Pennsylvania American Water will be performing Water Meter Reading Device upgrades in your area. Hydrotech Inc. will be our contractor performing this work. You may see Hydrotech employees working outside making the upgrade. This should take only a few minutes. This is essential work to maintain quality service for you as a valued customer. if you have any questions or concerns, please call our local office- 610-588-3034.
Our Township is now Opt-In. Our Building Code Offical is Lehigh Valley Inspection Service. You must use this company when applying for a building permit. No other outside companies will be allowed. Building permits are available on this site or in the office.
Whether you are inquiring on a burn ban, or wanting to report a street light out, we have a contact list for such things. Click on the link for more information... HERE

Our zoning office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays 9am-12pm, and Thursdays 9am-1pm
Washington Township will not respond to anonymous Right-To-Know requests.
Many people are aware that when you apply for Social Security, your age when you start benefits is a major factor in how much you receive. Generally, the older you are, the higher both your benefit percentage and benefit amount will be. Check out the link, for additional information. HERE

Lehigh Valley Planning Commission moved to new offices at 615 Waterfront Dr, Suite 201 Allentown, PA 18102
Municipal Publishing, LLC is proud to present the 2024 Pennsylvania Municipal Guide. Please find your complimentary copy via the enclosed link. Feel free to forward this link to any and all interested parties. You are also welcome to post this guide on your website and/or social media and share it with your community. Website: www.pa-municipalities.com

The Blue Valley Rescue Squad (BVRS) has been saving lives in our community for over 50 years. In 1973, local fire chief joined together to form the BVRS to take care of their specialty rescue needs within the Slate Belt. Today our highly trained volunteers perform vehicle rescues, ground-wilderness search and rescues, water rescues, confined-space rescues, and high-angle rescues in Washington Township, and the boroughs of Bangor, East Bangor, and Roseto. We also support our local fire companies with fire rehab when needed. On top of that, the BVRS has a Quick Response Service Unit (QRS) that assists with medical emergencies in our coverage area as well. Since we are an extension of our local fire companies, many of our members are also firefighters.

Please follow the link, to find out more about dead deer, and who to call. HERE

For more information, please click HERE

Service Electric Cable TV & Communications wants to notify you to contact them directly for all billing and service inquires. Washington Township is not listed on the billing for your accounts. Please contact Service Electric toll free 800-232-9100.

Washington Township would like to encourage the community to enjoy our recently paved walking trails at the Recreation Complex. We would also like to remind everyone per State and Township requirements ALL Pets must always be leashed. As a reminder the Township has waste receptacles throughout the park for the disposal of garbage and dog waste. Thank you for your understating and cooperation to keep the complex safe and sanitary.

Our dog wardens work hard every day to serve as the eyes and ears for the dogs of Pennsylvania. They work to find shelter for strays or return them to their families, investigate dog bites and provide justice for victims of dangerous dogs, and connect dogs in kennels with humane justice. In Northampton County if you have concerns regarding a dog please contact Dog Warden: Kathy Andrews Phone Number: 610-909-5720.

We do not pick up concrete or construction materials, such as roofing and other home remodeling debris. Special arrangements can be made with J.P.Mascaro & Sons or another waste hauler to remove this debris. Please review the list provided, the following companies may be able to assist. However it is recommended you call the companies to confirm there acceptance of certain materials.

ABE Materials Easton
5137 Lower Mud Run Rd., Easton
(610) 250-7691

American Containers & Disposal
1438 Willowbrook Rd., Northampton
(610) 262-9021

Bethlehem Landfill
2335 Applebutter Rd., Bethlehem
(610) 317-3200

Chrin Bros. Sanitary Landfill*
400 S Greenwood Ave., Easton
(610) 253-9665

Crushcrete, Inc
1965 Silvex Rd., Bethlehem
(610) 217-3447

East Penn Sanitation
4687 Hanoverville Rd., Bethlehem
(610) 759-6398

Einfalt Recycling & Salvage, Inc. located at 221 Bushkill St. Stockertown, PA is accepting these items. The phone number is (610) 759-7998, Operating Hours:

Monday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Tuesday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Wednesday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Upcoming Events / Meetings

Washington Township Current Agendas

Select any Board/Commission below to view current agenda. A new window will open with your selection.

Any special meetings, hearings, changes or cancellations, will be advertised in a local newspaper, posted on this website and posted at the municipal building.

Welcome To Washington Township

Washington Township Washington Township is a pleasant rural community with a variety of features including open space, rolling hills, farms, housing developments, streams, and a mixture of restaurants, stores and services. Most residents find our Township to be a quiet and relaxing place to live. Our community prides itself on its ability to work well together and with others to provide a safe and comfortable life for you and your family.

Common to rural life, there are some characteristics you will also find. For example, our Township is supported by a Volunteer Fire Company and a Volunteer Rescue Squad. Also, the majority of the Township is serviced by private wells and on-lot septic systems. In addition, it is not uncommon to find large and slow moving vehicles such as tractors on the open road, and the smells and sounds associated with a working farm. And finally, we have a high volume of wild animals such as bear, deer, coyotes, skunks, fox, and raccoons.

Our website is designed to help new and current area residents find valuable information and resources regarding our community. If you have any questions or comments regarding the website, or need additional assistance finding information, please contact the office at (610) 588-1524. We will be happy to assist you.

Washington Township
© 2021 Washington Township
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